TREATY-- HIS MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT OF NEPAL AND THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CONCERNING THE INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF THE MAHAKALI RIVER INCLUDING SARADA BARRAGE, TANAKPUR BARRAGE AND PANCHESHWAR PROJECT (1996) His Majesty's Government of NEPAL and the Government of INDIA (hereinafter referred to as the "parties") Reaffirming the determination to promote and strengthen their relations of friendship and close neighborliness for the co-operation in the development of water resources; Recognizing that the Mahakali River is a boundary river on major stretches between the two countries; Realizing the desirability to a treaty on the basis of equal partnership to define their obligations and corresponding rights and duties thereto in regard to the waters of the Mahakali River and its utilization; Noting the Exchange of Letters of 1920 through which both the Parties had entered into an arrangement for the construction of the Sarada Barrage in the Mahakali rive...